Work Packages
GENIALG is organised into eight Work Packages (WPs) that have been defined by all the members of the consortium in order to guarantee a logical flow of the work to be carried out.
Work Package 1 – Ethics requirements
- Lead Partner
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Coordinator
- Philippe Potin
- Contact details
- To ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package.
Work Package 2 – Selection, breeding, germplasm and biobanking
- Lead Partner
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Coordinator
- Philippe Potin
- Contact details
- To collect, genetically characterise and biobank wild strains and strains currently used for industrial production.
- To Implement classical breeding strategies for strain improvement.
- To integrate new genetic approaches into breeding programmes and exploitation of genomic resources.
Work Package 3 – Demonstration of large-scale seaweed farming
- Lead Partner
- Seaweed Energy Solutions (SES)
- Coordinator
- Frank Neumann
- Contact details
- To validate and optimise yield and chemical composition for geographic coverage area.
- To validate existing means of biomass stabilisation and transport for large-scale production.
- To develop mechanised cultivation/harvest devices for offshore farms and energy-efficient and mechanised pond cultivation system, including large-scale harvest demonstration.
Work Package 4 – Seaweed biorefinery prototype design and implementation
- Lead Partner
- University of York
- Coordinator
- Simon McQueen-Mason
- Contact details
- To find a technical pathway for the valorisation of the whole mass of the feedstock within its multiple compounds.
- To develop a comprehensive inventory of the major components of potential commercial value present in Saccharina and Ulva biomass.
- To develop new environmentally benign processes for the extraction and processing of existing commercial products, based on the use of enzymes and environmentally sustainable chemicals and solvents.
- To assess a range of algal extracts and products for new industrial applications.
- To develop and scale up integrated processes giving rise to a range of new and existing product ranges and to prepare at small scale (laboratory) selected purified components for chemical, biochemical, microbiological, and physical characterisation.
Work Package 5 – Market validation and life-cycle analysis
- Lead Partner
- Stichting Wageningen Research (DLO)
- Coordinator
- Sander van den Burg
- Contact details
- To assess if the algae-based products from biorefinery are ready for the market.
- To identify key markets.
- To check compliance of algae-based products to existing public and private standards, and existing patents.
- To identify the environmental performance of algae-based products.
- To confirm the technical efficiency and the economic value of the products in the applications.
Work Package 6 – Socio-environmental benefits of seaweed farming
- Lead Partner
- Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR)
- Coordinator
- Isabel Sousa Pinto
- Contact details
- To maximise socio-environmental benefits and social acceptance of seaweed farming.
- To assess and monitor the potential biotic and abiotic impacts of farms on surrounding ecosystems.
- To model the carrying capacity of the seaweed farming sites, and assess the benefits of seaweed cultivation.
- To act upon acquired knowledge to stimulate the social licensing process for seaweed aquaculture and develop best socio-economic-environmental management practices.
Work Package 7 – Dissemination, Stakeholder Engagement, Knowledge Transfer, Outreach Capacity Building
- Lead Partner
- AquaTT
- Coordinator
- Communications: Avril Hanbidge WP Leader: Marieke Reuver
- Contact details
- To ensure effective external communication, dissemination, knowledge transfer, and promotion of GENIALG results and applications leading to optimal exploitation of its research outputs and products, through the use of a range of suitable communication and dissemination tools.
- To promote the project activities and results beyond the consortium to the scientific community, industrial stakeholders and general public.
- To capture key messages and outcomes for active knowledge transfer through training and communication tools.
- To identify and ensure efficient exchanges with targeted stakeholder groups.
- To address societal acceptability issues by carrying out targeted communication actions to policy makers and the general public.
Work Package 8 – Project Management
- Lead Partner
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Coordinator
- Philippe Potin
- Contact details
- To manage the GENIALG project’s efficiency and productivity from administrative and technical point of view.
- To ensure efficient communication between partners and with European Commission.
- To manage resource allocation and budget.
- To ensure timely delivery of projects results and deliverables inside project constraints.
- To support risk identification and conflict resolution.