The GENIALG consortium organised the first GENIALG conference as a one-day event (MS28, D7.6) entitled “Sustainable Uses of Marine Resources: Towards Biorefineries” in M22 – 11th October 2018 as part of Sea Tech Week 2018 in Brest, France.
Pioneering companies and projects implementing the concept of large-scale integrated biorefineries in the European Union (EU) were presented and discussed and GENIALG’s major outcomes on the environmental and economic sustainability of selecting and producing high yielding seaweed strains for multi-use purposes were highlighted.
Attendance by international reference academics in seaweed biorefinery aided the promotion of the GENIALG project and EU advances on seaweed biorefinery.

Stéphanie Guillotin (Capbiotek), Pi Nyvall-Collén (Amadeite) and Philippe Potin (CNRS)

Simon McQueen-Mason (Uni. of York)
20th Oomycete Molecular Genetics Network (OMGN) Annual Meeting at GENIALG partner the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) in Oban, Scotland 10-12th July 2019.
This year’s programme featured the meeting’s usual sessions of effectors, genomics, oomycete biology, etc..), and also celebrated oomycete diversity with a symposium entitled “There is more to oomycetes than first meets the eye”.
The conference included a tour of the SAMS seaweed farm and research facilities.
For more information please click here

Attendees of the OMGN Annual Meeting 2019

Tour of the SAMS seaweed farm at OMGN Annual Meeting 2019
GENIALG partner SINTEF organised the SIG Seaweed 5 Conference, based on GENIALG outputs, entitled ‘How do we create a market for seaweed products and cultivated biomass to develop the seaweed industry?’. Arranged in collaboration with the two seaweed knowledge platforms MACROSEA and Seaweed Biorefinery Platform Norway (SBP-N), as a final meeting for the first and a first open meeting for the latter, and with Blått Kompetansesenter, Innovation Norway and the Research Council of Norway. It focussed on the seaweed business and how new technology can impact on the development of the industry – both by creating a market pull and the enabling technologies that can make things happen!
This conference was for the Special Interest Groups (SIG) for Seaweeds with international speakers and industry participants held in 27 – 28 November 2019 in Trondheim, Norway.
For more information click here
The major outcomes from GENIALG were showcased during the final international GENIALG Conference which took place online, on 30 November 2020. During the event, GENIALG demonstrators showcased large-scale cultivation and biorefining of Saccharina and Ulva seaweeds, to the scientific community, policymakers, industry stakeholders and the public.