
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Committee

GENIALG’s IPR Committee is chaired by professional communication and knowledge management partner, AquaTT and is composed of representatives from each of the partners in the GENIALG consortium.

The IPR Committee’s overall objective is to support the protection, promotion and exploitation of valuable IPR as a way to stimulate the seaweed value chain and get seaweed products to new markets. The IPR Committee assesses all captured GENIALG knowledge, supports the development of knowledge transfer plans (including mapping value chains and pathways to market), and supports transfer to targeted end users.

Name Partner Institute Country
Ana Daniel  UAVR Portugal
Avril Hanbidge AquaTT Ireland
Benoit Queguineur ALGAIA France
David Bailey  IOTA UK
Frank Hennequart ALGAIA France
Helena Abreu  ALGAplus Portugal
Jean-Francois Arbona C-WEED France
Joana Moreira Silva CIIMAR Portugal
Jorunn Skjermo SINTEF Norway
Kevin Cascella CNRS France
Marieke Reuver AquaTT Ireland
Mark Gronnow  BDC UK
Philippe Potin CNRS France
Pi Nyvall Collen OLMIX France
Ronan Sulpice  NUIG Ireland
Sander van den Burg WUR The Netherlands

Industrial Committee (IC)

Administrated by GENIALG's coordinator CNRS, the IC consists of one representative from each industrial partner of GENIALG.

Once knowledge outputs have been identified as industry-relevant by the IPR Committee, they are transferred to the IC. The IC optimises potential exploitation of these outputs by implementing strategies to transfer them to end users in industry, in collaboration with the valorisation department (or similar) of the concerned parties.













United Kingdom