Insight into European Seaweed Companies

GENIALG Promotional Video for Seaweed Biorefinery

GENIALG is a European Union-funded Horizon 2020 project. GENIALG is the first industry-driven project bringing together pioneering companies in large-scale integrated European biorefineries and experts in seaweed cultivation, genetics and metabolomics with the aim of boosting the seaweed industry. This video is an introduction to the project, its objectives, activities, partners, expected impacts and the concept of seaweed biorefinery.


ALGAplus – Marine Agronomists

We are marine agronomists, passionate about macroalgae. European pioneers in the farming of Atlantic seaweed, in a sustainable land-based production system with organic certification. For more information please visit the ALGAplus website.


Olmix Group – For a Better Life

Specialist in natural algae-based solutions for nutrition, hygiene and health of plants and animals. For more information please visit the Olmix Group website.


Seaweed Solutions – The Future of Farming is at Sea

We are seaweed cultivators and use our technology, knowhow and experience to seize business opportunities for seaweed worldwide. For more information please visit the Seaweed Solutions website.

C-Weed Aquaculture – Organic Seaweed Cultivation in Brittany

Natural ingredients for food processing and cosmetics. Ingredients of the future for innovation. For more information please visit the C-Weed Aquaculture website.


Algaia – We Create Value from the Sea

Algaia offers sustainably-produced natural seaweed, algae and other plant-based extracts and solutions for the Agro-Nutrition, Personal Care & Nutraceutical Industries. For more information please visit the Algaia website.